C is for Cleanliness

My A is cleanest when B:


The kids are yahoo-ing about in their bedroom instead of going to sleep and I am having to control my incredibly on-point Carol Burnett’s Ms Hannigan impersonation.


I am 5 months pregnant and convinced that nothing less than a 6 hour scrub and bleach of every surface is absolutely necessary.


My puku starts falling over my waistband.


I have an assignment due.

Cupboards and Drawers

I have binged Marie Kondo and pledging total allegiance to the miniature Japanese Goddess.


Watching my children play.

Garden and Lawns

I am ferociously missing my Grandpa.

Kids’ Room

I have forgotten how much effort it took last time to clean it; and how little time it took for them to destroy it.


I have nailed a huge run. My legs are jelly, my skin is slimy with sweat and my endorphins are pumping.


A daycare / school playdate is coming around and I am desperately trying to keep up the façade of being top of things.


Results are inconclusive. Data sample of clean jokes is too little to collect significant information.


They’re having a splashing competition in the bath and the walls and ceiling are dripping.


It goes for a service. I imagine the young person vacuuming a full loaf of bread worth of crumbs is inspired to maintain rigorous standards with their contraceptive of choice.


I am at daycare because of that one time where I had to be pulled in to the Head Teacher’s office for letting too many really curly swear words slip out.


I have written the shit out of a piece of fiction.


Never. Looks are deceiving. That man is super dirty and I love him.

One thought on “C is for Cleanliness

  1. Loved Ode to Grandma (and understood it completly) – this latest – Stop-Micro-Manage-Ing . . . and do the Doris Day thing “Ce Sera Sera – what will be, will be ” . . .


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