J is for Jr Storyteller

**The following story is inspired by my 5 year old son, F-Bomb, who told me the truth of the nature of thunderstorms**

Enormous black and purple clouds rolled into Turtle Bay. They had accumulated out at sea and gathered speed and volume as they approached land.

They covered the bay with their inky black masses – then started the downpour.

Torrents of rainfall flooded the streets.

Lightening blinded the land with purple strobes.

Thunder boomed so deeply that buildings and insurance companies shook.

Those that still had power to their homes had to put subtitles on just to still follow their favourite TV shows.

Three full days, Turtle Bay was at the mercy of the bizarre and violent thunderstorm. Many people evacuated to the safety of friends’ houses on the other side of the hill – it was still beautiful, bright and sunny over there.

On the third night, all the clouds solidified as one. At the top of the cloud – above all the mayhem of the storm – a full grown vampire popped out. He hovered in the night sky.

The cloud dissipated into nothingness and the vampire flew down into Turtle Bay – hungry in its infancy and keen to see who was asleep in their beds.

J is for Juvie

“Welcome to your life; there’s no turning back”

The tall man in all yellow smiled down at the group of children. The smile was to perhaps relax and reassure the crowd. But he was blessed with more teeth than most; and each one sitting impossibly straight next to its neighbour. His lips stretched unnaturally wide out to his ears and a few of the older children whimpered with the unconscious association with sharks.

Pictures of the outside that they would no longer see.

The man held open a huge, patterned glass door and the kids divided their attention between the yellow suited, smiling shark spectacle and what lay beyond the door.

Nothing could be seen really. A white corridor, not narrow, not especially wide. The floor was grey vinyl – easily cleanable with kids. There were no more hints to what lay beyond the threshold.

“Come, come come!” The yellow suit rapped the door gently and urgently.

They started filing inside.